How To Cook Mung Beans

This recipe answers the basic question of How to cook mung beans. Mung beans are richer with vitamins and are so easy to add to most salads for added nutrients. I keep going on about the bulk bins in Whole Foods because I am on an exploration of plant based meals as of late. You guys know that I  was vegan once. And mung beans are rich in vitamins and packed with health benefits. I have literally had them every way since last week. You are read all about mung bean Nutritional Facts . It is a wonder bean. This recipe answers the basic question of How to cook mung beans. Mung beans are rich in vitamins and are so easy to add to most salads for added nutrients. I don’t think I ever told you guys why I stopped being vegan. Well when I was about 20 I was in a really bad car accident. And I fractured my spine. Actually Abdel and I both walked away from the car accident wounded. I think his were more internal and mine were external. But I went through 3 weeks in the hospital being vegan. My family would bring me meals everyday. But I could see that it was going be a strain for them to cook a separate meal for just me. This recipe answers the basic question of How to cook mung beans. Mung beans are rich in vitamins and are so easy to add to most salads for added nutrients. It’s not that my mom or grandmother ever said anything but I didn’t want to add one more thing to their struggle in caring for me. I mean I had to learn now to walk again. I was in a cast most of the day and things were rough. So on the day that I left the hospital I told them that I would like some chicken. This recipe answers the basic question of How to cook mung beans. Mung beans are rich in vitamins and are so easy to add to most salads for added nutrients. It was just understood that I was no longer vegan. And after going through spinal surgery, I just wanted to be normal. I wanted to be like everyone else. But I’ve never been comfortable eating a meat rich diet. I love vegetables- I know so very boring. But not really. Vegetables are exciting. Now that I have a world of different flavors. I am truly excited. This recipe answers the basic question of How to cook mung beans. Mung beans are rich in vitamins and are so easy to add to most salads for added nutrients. So these tender beans are just up my alley. So give them a try and the best part about buy from the bulk bin is that you can try out new things without the commitment. I think these are worth the try. Cook ’em up and tag me in the post. Peace and love friends, Ann
4.50 from 2 votes

How To Cook Mung Beans

This recipe answers the basic question of How to cook mung beans. Mung beans are rich in vitamins and are so easy to add to most salads for added nutrients.
Servings 4 People


  • 1 Cup Mung Beans
  • 1 Clove Garlic
  • 3 Cups Stock or water
  • 1/8 Teaspoon Salt


  • Sort through the beans to make sure only beans are present. Rinse 1 cup Mung Beans. Place in a medium size pot and add 3 cups of stock and garlic. Bring to a boil. Reduce heat to medium-low and cook until tender, about 20 minutes or until tender.  
    Note: At the 10 minute mark add the salt. Make sure to keep beans covered with water during cooking; if water level is low, add additional water and reduce the cooking temperature. 
    This recipe answers the basic question of How to cook mung beans. Mung beans are richer with vitamins and are so easy to add to most salads for added nutrients.

Join the Conversation

  1. I serve with wild rice or barley. Great with curry.

  2. 4 stars
    They are very nutritious but they smell like death.

    1. Hey there Josie. They do smell extremely beany 🙂 LOL!

  3. Kimberly Vincent says:

    Do the mung beans taste like edamame beans? Because they sure look like them. I love edamame beans so was just wondering.

  4. 5 stars
    I have never seen beans look so good. Please post a mung bean soup.

    1. Hi there Michelle:-) I am working on it! I’ll report back soon.

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