Vegetarian Tacos with Avocado Mint Sauce


These vegetarian tacos with avocado mint sauce are the perfect way to have a easy and healthy week night dinner. I am all about easy weeknight dinners with three kids. There is just something fun about tacos that everyone loves.

These vegetarian tacos with avocado mint sauce are the perfect way to have a easy and healthy week night dinner that is full of flavor.

So you guys know that I was a vegetarian years ago- I was even vegan for a few years. I have been trying to make changes in my eating habit to incorporate more plant- base meals. The fact that these tacos are fish-free and loaded with crisp vegetables all the while sitting on a bed of watercress leaves, makes me a happy girl. I mean come on. I love a  “seafood” cake that allows me to not worry because the soy and wheat tat make up these cakes are non-GMO.

These vegetarian tacos with avocado mint sauce are the perfect way to have a easy and healthy week night dinner that is full of flavor.

The “seafood” cakes can be cooked from frozen, so all I had to do was put them in a skillet and in about 10 minutes my tacos were ready for assembly. Do you see what is happening down here?   

These vegetarian tacos with avocado mint sauce are the perfect way to have a easy and healthy week night dinner that is full of flavor.

Watercress  Tomatoes  Radishes  Cucumbers  Crabless cakes     

These vegetarian tacos with avocado mint sauce are the perfect way to have a easy and healthy week night dinner that is full of flavor.

The fact that all of that plant-power goodness is topped with this creamy avocado mint sauce.

These vegetarian tacos with avocado mint sauce are the perfect way to have a easy and healthy week night dinner that is full of flavor.

We had these just topped with the creamy avocado sauce as a quick after school snack with the kids. BIG HIT!

These vegetarian tacos with avocado mint sauce are the perfect way to have a easy and healthy week night dinner that is full of flavor.

And because I love a good deal… Gardein also has a $1 off coupon. Get it now, it is valid until May 31st!

I also picked up the black bean burgers– I can already smell a spicy black bean burger burrito in my future.

These vegetarian tacos with avocado mint sauce are the perfect way to have a easy and healthy week night dinner that is full of flavor.

Enjoy them as a taco or snack. Either way you are gonna have fun with these cakes. Big thanks to Gardein for sponsoring this post!!!

These vegetarian tacos with avocado mint sauce are the perfect way to have a easy and healthy weeknight dinner that is full of flavor.

Share your recipes with the hashtag #OMGardein So I can check them out!


4.67 from 6 votes

Vegetarian Tacos with Avocado Mint Sauce

Cook Time 10 minutes
Total Time 10 minutes


  • 4 Corn tortillas
  • 1 english cucumber chopped
  • 4 radish chopped
  • 1 large tomato
  • A large bunch of watercress 8 oz more or less
  • Avocado mint sauce
  • 1 hass avocado
  • 1/4 cup mint
  • 1/4 cup basil
  • 1 garlic clove
  • plain greek yogurt
  • 1 tablespoon olive oil
  • pinch of red pepper flakes
  • pinch of salt
  • pinch of fresh black pepper
  • Juice 1 lemon
  • 1/4 cup water


  • Prepare the Crabless cakes depending on your preference. See back of package for other options.
  • Sauce:
  • Pulse all ingredients in a food processor or blender until smooth. That is it.
  • To Assemble:
  • Toast the tortillas. Place the tortilla on a plate, add watercress, radishes, cucumber and tomatoes. Add the crabless cakes and top with Avocado mint sauce.
Author: CookingManiac

Join the Conversation

  1. This looks amazing!

  2. 5 stars
    OMG so delicious!!! I love everything related to avocados and I can’t wait to give this recipe a try!

  3. 4 stars
    Looks like this sauce would go well with other things too – I might try it on pork.

  4. 4 stars
    I’m always looking for new vegetarian recipes to try, and this one looks delicious!

  5. 5 stars
    Your beautiful photos make this recipe look yummy! I’ve never even thought of avocado and mint together, but I’ll be that’s a really good combination.

  6. I need to try these! I haven’t seen these crabless cakes yet, but they look really yummy! Thanks!

  7. These look so good!

  8. These look amazing!!! Love coming across good vegetarian dishes – thanks so much for sharing!!

  9. These sound AMAZING!!!! Yum!

  10. This looks delicious!! I’m not a vegetarian but I am allergic to crab so I’d love to try this!!

  11. These look amazing. I’ll have to try them and see if my kids would like them too.

  12. These look super yummy! I am going to have to try them, even though they are vegetarian so it would be new for me, I am up for a new taste!

  13. These look delicious. We’re not vegan but we do try to incorporate as much vegetables into our diet as possible and this is a great way to do it!

  14. 5 stars
    Never thought I could so much over something vegetarian lol. Beautiful pictures of your beautiful food! Will try!

  15. Wow! These look so delicious! I am always looking for new dinner ideas! Thank you for sharing!

  16. 5 stars
    This is amazing thank you for making this. We would love to feature a content like this on our site.

  17. These tacos look great. I tired the black bean burgers and they are really good!

  18. This looks fabulous. I’m in love with avocado and I’m always looking for new ways to incorporate it into my meals. Thanks for sharing. I couldn’t resisting pinning and tweeting this one. 🙂

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