Jamaican Jerk Chicken Burger

This Jamaican Jerk Chicken Burger is spicy, warming, flavorful and healthy. Adding quinoa to the mix is an added bonus. Make it and enjoy it! Here’s the thing…. I love spicy food. So if you look into my recipe log you will see that I love Jamaican Jerk seasoning. I use it for Jerk Wings for parties, Jerk tofu for when I want to eat light, Jerk Salmon every other day. I am a little obsessed, maybe more than is socially acceptable to admit. I’m not even going to apologize, it is that good. And in this weather all I want is something warm and filling. This Jamaican jerk chicken burger are warming, filling, with the right amount of heat. This Jamaican Jerk Chicken Burger is spicy, warming, flavorful and healthy. Adding quinoa to the mix is an added bonus. Make it and enjoy it! I used the Jamaican Jerk marinade in these burgers. I also snuck in some quinoa. It’s still january and I’m still recovering from 3 different cookie extra changes. I might have eaten my weight in cookies, so this in a way is making up for that. Small steps!! This Jamaican Jerk Chicken Burger is spicy, warming, flavorful and healthy. Adding quinoa to the mix is an added bonus. Make it and enjoy it! I like my burgers on the big side for two reasons: 1) I’m usually super hungry and 2) Why not?  This Jamaican Jerk Chicken Burger is spicy, warming, flavorful and healthy. Adding quinoa to the mix is an added bonus. Make it and enjoy it! There is something magical that happens when I hear meat grilling. My mouth waters, my heart flutters and sometimes if you look really closely you might even see me shed a single tear. This Jamaican Jerk Chicken Burger is spicy, warming, flavorful and healthy. Adding quinoa to the mix is an added bonus. Make it and enjoy it! These burgers are so moist. I have had my share of dry chicken burgers. This isn’t one. Between the Jerk marinade and the brining of the chicken breast, this burger had no choice but to retain moisture. This Jamaican Jerk Chicken Burger is spicy, warming, flavorful and healthy. Adding quinoa to the mix is an added bonus. Make it and enjoy it! Of Course, you can add a bun. You can put it between two pieces of naan. I’ve had this Jamaican jerk chicken burger all and really you can do no wrong with this recipe. Make it tonight!

Jamaican Jerk Chicken Burger


  • 1 pound ground white meat chicken
  • 1/2 cup cooked Quinoa
  • 1/4 cup Jamaican jerk marinade
  • 3/4 teaspoon coarse grained salt
  • Cracked black pepper
  • 1 teaspoon olive oil
  • 1 egg
  • 2 teaspoon mayo


  • If you don’t have a meat grinder- place chicken in the food processor and pulse until it is completely minced.
  • Place chicken in a mixing bowl, add quinoa, jerk marinade, egg, mayonnaise, salt and pepper. Stir to combine.
  • The mixture will be wet which means it will be a bit sticky forming it into patties, that is a good thing it means moisture. Divide chicken meat into 4 sections (you decide which portion size is best for you) and using your hands, shape into patties. Set each patty on a baking sheet. Heat olive oil on a grill pan or a large skillet. Cook patties until golden and cooked through, about 5 minutes per side. Serve immediately.

Join the Conversation

  1. Awesome,also nice to know someone else tries jerk everything. I made jerk turkey one thanksgiving

  2. Looks pretty simple. I will try this out.

    1. Thank you Lakisha! Let me know how you like it 🙂

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