Berry Funfetti Froyo


I love easy snack for my kids. This berry funfetti froyo is super simple and easy to make. All you need to make this is: Annie’s Organic yogurt , Berries, Confetti candy, and marshmallows. That is it!

This berry funfetti froyo is super simple to make. All you need to make this is: Annie's Organic yogurt, Berries, Confetti candy, and marshmallows. Booya!

This berry funfetti froyo is super simple to make. All you need to make this is: Annie's Organic yogurt, Berries, Confetti candy, and marshmallows. Booya!

With 4 simple ingredients this super fun summer snack is done in a jiffy. And yes I did just say jiffy. People still use that word right? It’s not just me in my mommy bubble right? I can’t take full responsibility for this recipe because the kids came up with it. Jade is obsessed with confetti candy, Jonathan is beyond obsessed with marshmallows and JB is teething so she loves anything cold right now. So this was a big hit all around.

This berry funfetti froyo is super simple to make. All you need to make this is: Annie's Organic yogurt, Berries, Confetti candy, and marshmallows. Booya!

I woke up today to 90 degree weather outside. But it feels like 130 degrees. For reals. This Florida sun is no joke. Like seriously! What am I suppose to do when it is 90 degrees outside? BEEEEEEEEEEACH DAY! I have no choice but to do it. It’s a rough life but someone has to do it.

This berry funfetti froyo is super simple to make. All you need to make this is: Annie's Organic yogurt, Berries, Confetti candy, and marshmallows. Booya!

The key to days like this one is to make sure that we all say hydrated and cool. So I headed to public to stock up on beach essentials: water, juice boxes, and yogurt.

This berry funfetti froyo is super simple to make. All you need to make this is: Annie's Organic yogurt, Berries, Confetti candy, and marshmallows. Booya!

I know it isn’t officially summer yet, but I live in florida so it is basically ALWAYS summer here. I live for days like these where I can pack some snacks and head to the beach with my favorite people. I live for beach days.

This berry funfetti froyo is super simple to make. All you need to make this is: Annie's Organic yogurt, Berries, Confetti candy, and marshmallows. Booya!


4.60 from 5 votes

Berry Funfetti Froyo

Cook Time 6 hours
Total Time 6 hours


  • 16 oz Annie’s Organic yogurt
  • 1 cup fresh raspberry
  • 1/4 cup confetti candy
  • 1/2 cup marshmallow


  • Place the yogurt in a large bowl. Add the raspberry, confetti and marshmallows mix to combine. Take a table spoon of the mixture and place it into ice cube tray.
  • Freeze for at least 6 hours or overnight. Un-mold and serve.
Author: Cooking Maniac

Join the Conversation

  1. What a fun idea! My girls would love to make these.

  2. shelly peterson says:

    I love Funfetti desserts. These look good.

  3. 5 stars
    Oh they do! Those look so fun to make…and for our kids to eat! What a great idea!

  4. 5 stars
    Hi Ann,

    This is definitely a fun recipe to make! Perfect to make this snack with kids during a hot day. So refreshing and yummy!


  5. 4 stars
    Even though my kids are big kids (aka crazy teenage boys that eat the whole house in a weekend) they love fun snacks like this. What’s better is they can make the fun snacks themselves and I can sneak into the freezer and grab a handful LOL

  6. These are so cute!! And they look yummy too 🙂

  7. These look super cute! and healthy. added bonus!

  8. 4 stars
    Ok, that looked way too easy to make. Like I could make it. Annnnnnnd on top of that they look delicious. Great job!! <3

  9. My neice would love this, but I’m also going to try it for my husband! He works outside all day and usually craves icees when he gets home- what a healthy but just as easy alternative!

  10. These are amazing and perfect for Summer! Pinning it to my board!


  11. 5 stars
    So pretty nice and simple! Kids would be happy 🙂

  12. Angelle Marix says:

    My kids are going to love these!!! I’m trying these ASAP!! Thanks so much for sharing. They are a perfect, fun snack!!


  13. great for summer! I’ll have to try this with the my nieces and nephews!

  14. Looks lovely . No wonder why kids like this candy 🙂

  15. My girls would love this! We’ll have to try it this summer!

  16. soniya Saluja says:

    I have all the ingredients >. I am so trying this with my kids:)

  17. Now these look like a great treat for anytime. Different fruit I will be using.

  18. OMG that looks so fun! And delicious! Like I can pop them into my mouth one after the other lol. And you’e so lucky to have summer weather all year. We still had snow over the weekend. Eeeeek! (PS: I think people still say jiffy 🙂

  19. We snow flakes here last week, but it’s finally starting to look warmer and these are just calling out my daughter’s name…she is going to love making these (eating them too!).

  20. This is so perfect for summer. I know my son will love these.

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