Cheddar Thyme Biscuit

These cheddar thyme biscuits are light, buttery, tangy and cheesey. This recipe is easy to make and guaranteed to impress. Oh yes! I think I have reached to pinnacle of my biscuits journey. I have combined two of my favorite things to make this happen— It’s cheddar thyme biscuit y’all. If I never make another biscuit (suppressing a shudder) I would be content. These are like airy, light, tangy, cheesy bits of biscuit bliss.   These cheddar thyme biscuits are light, buttery, tangy and cheesey. This recipe is easy to make and guaranteed to impress. I think by now there is no surprise in the fact that I love biscuits. Over the holidays, I kind of went down the rabbit holes with my adventures in biscuit making. It was the first time all year that I really just got to cook and enjoy eating communing with my family and friends. In my circle we are big lovers or all things with thyme and cheese. Honestly I should have named the blog Cheese thyme! So I decided to take our two great loves and combine them into one beautiful biscuit. I mean come on…. I had to do it! These cheddar thyme biscuits are light, buttery, tangy and cheesey. This recipe is easy to make and guaranteed to impress. Since I shared my Grandma flaky buttermilk biscuit  and my husband’s Fool-Proof biscuit everyone has been calling – sending me their results. I have truly had a blast. Seeing all the pictures. A well made biscuits makes everything better. These cheddar thyme biscuits are light, buttery, tangy and cheesey. This recipe is easy to make and guaranteed to impress.   It is actually ridiculous how happy this picture makes me. I mean do you see all that melted cheese and fresh thyme encased in that gloriously fluffy biscuit. It is enough to make a grown woman cry. These cheddar thyme biscuits are light, buttery, tangy and cheesey. This recipe is easy to make and guaranteed to impress. Oh smell that came from my oven. …..the mouth watering Cheesy-ness. The thyme….. …. Excitement abounded.   These cheddar thyme biscuits are light, buttery, tangy and cheesey. This recipe is easy to make and guaranteed to impress. Make it today. This is my current happy place. Enjoy!

Cheddar Thyme Biscuit


  • 2 1/2 cup all purpose flour plus extra for dusting
  • 2 tablespoon thyme
  • 8 oz unsalted butter
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 1 teaspoon sugar
  • 8 oz cheddar cheese
  • 2 tablespoon baking powder
  • 1 cup buttermilk
  • 1 teaspoon fresh black pepper


  • Preheat oven to 415 degrees.
  • Take butter and cut into cubes and place in the freeze.
  • In a food processor add flour, sugar, baking powder black pepper and salt. Pulse once to combine. Add the frozen cubed butter. Pulse to combine, until it forms a coarse meal (approximately 6-8 pulses).
  • Add flour mixture to a large bowl. Form a well in the middle and add buttermilk, cheddar and thyme. With a spatula or wooden spoon stir to combine. The second it starts to form a ball stop- do not over mix.
  • On a well floured board turn over to bowl. With a well floured rolling pin. Roll out the dough into a rectangular shape approximately 1 inch high. Fold the dough oven on itself 2 times. Repeat 4 times. This is what gives the biscuits its layers.
  • Roll into a rectangle. Using a biscuit cutter or cup make 8 biscuits.
  • Place on baking tray and bake for approximately 12-14 mins. Check the bottom to make sure it is golden brown.
  • Note: You can brush the biscuits with melted salted butter for extra Noms!

Join the Conversation

  1. Oh my goodness, these look delicious. Great photos btw.

  2. I’m so going to have my sister make these for us (she’s the baker lol). We don’t have biscuit here in Montreal unless we make them.

  3. WHAT!? I love biscuits and thyme and cheddar. These are like made for me. This is definitely going in my recipe list. Thank you!

  4. These look so good! I am thinking about making them tomorrow.

  5. I need these in my life. now.

  6. These sound heavenly. Need to pin these so I can make these to go along with dinner. Thanks for sharing 🙂

  7. OK…these look to DIE FOR!!!!! I love biscuits…and cheddar…and thyme. I’ve GOT to try these!

  8. Oh I had to pin this. These look amazing, now you are making me hungry. Your photos are perfect!

  9. Those look incredible!!
    Gorgeous photos. Makes me want to lick my computer screen.

  10. Ooo. Looks like something my husband would love!

  11. Count me in! I don’t think there’s a more perfect food than a good biscuit, and these look like they are perfection! And that thyme? *faints away*

    Can’t wait to try these!

  12. I’ve never made biscuits before but these look so tasty and easy! Will have to give these a try!

  13. Pinned – these look amazing! I love thyme and cheddar. You have good taste my dear.

    1. Thank you so much Shannon!!!! Cheddar and thyme are a match made in heaven.

  14. Oh my goodness! Your Cheddar Thyme Biscuits looks so beautiful and yummy!!! I have a confession…. I suck at making biscuits. It is one of those things I have tried multiple times and mine have NEVER come out looking beautiful like yours. Maybe when I try this recipe I will have better luck!!! 🙂

    1. Thanks, Katie! Before I really paid attention to my grandma I always failed. Have no fear, these are super easy. Just keep the butter SUPER cold 🙂

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