Grandma’s Sweet Cornbread

This is my grandma's sweet cornbread recipe that is a family favorite at every family dinner. Slightly sweet and incredibly moist- super easy to make. Hi guys! Yup! This is not a drill! This is finally happening. This is my grandma’s sweet cornbread recipe. This is my grandma's sweet cornbread recipe that is a family favorite at every family dinner. Slightly sweet and incredibly moist- super easy to make. You don’t even know what I’m sharing with you right now. This is literally a family favorite at every dinner. She makes it for thanksgiving, Christmas, easter, birthdays, wedding, potlucks- you name it! It is slightly sweet and incredibly moist- and super easy to make. This is my grandma's sweet cornbread recipe that is a family favorite at every family dinner. Slightly sweet and incredibly moist- super easy to make. Aren’t ya happy  I’m backkkkkkkkkkk! I have had such a boost in energy lately. Which is so odd because I’m naturally high energy. But I’ve been spending a lot of time with my dad lately and he makes an insanely strong cuban coffee. So that might actually be the reason for all this extra vigor. This is my grandma's sweet cornbread recipe that is a family favorite at every family dinner. Slightly sweet and incredibly moist- super easy to make. Also I have been cataloging my grandma’s recipe box with her. We are cooking up a storm, making new recipes. making old recipes! just generally having a foodgamism. This is my grandma's sweet cornbread recipe that is a family favorite at every family dinner. Slightly sweet and incredibly moist- super easy to make. Low-key I might be losing my summer body. She love food so seeing that she is now living with us I’m going to take full advantage of having her here with us. This is my grandma's sweet cornbread recipe that is a family favorite at every family dinner. Slightly sweet and incredibly moist- super easy to make. But back to this plate of golden goodness. This recipe has never failed me. When I was first really starting to cook a lot I made this recipe. It was so good I ate it for 3 days straight with EVERY meal. I kid you not. This is my grandma's sweet cornbread recipe that is a family favorite at every family dinner. Slightly sweet and incredibly moist- super easy to make. PAIRINGS: Perfect at any BBQ. Delicious with smoked meats and generally anything with a gravy (i.e. chili, stews, soups). Basically if you want to lick your plate clean but you don’t want to look “ill-mannered” (Thanks Mom) use this glorious golden manna to do your dirty work. This is my grandma's sweet cornbread recipe that is a family favorite at every family dinner. Slightly sweet and incredibly moist- super easy to make. I lack the words to describe what this cornbread means to my family. It is one of the only time during dinner where everyone has a smile on their face. If only for a second my grandma’s sweet cornbread makes the whole world better. Maybe just maybe this might be one of the most perfect things I have ever eaten. This is my grandma's sweet cornbread recipe that is a family favorite at every family dinner. Slightly sweet and incredibly moist- super easy to make. Make a quick batch and tell me what ya think.   XOXO, Ann This is my grandma's sweet cornbread recipe that is a family favorite at every family dinner. Slightly sweet and incredibly moist- super easy to make.      

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  1. 5 stars
    Hi Ann! I was rooting around for a biscuit recipe to go with sausage I’m making and found your grandma’s buttermilk biscuits. Oh my! So then I searched your blog for all things grandma and got a gander at her cornbread! It’s purty! I really like biscuits, but I LOVE cornbread! My question is: do you think Grandma would be open to adoption? I’m available! I’d be willing to adopt her or she can adopt me, I’m easy. ???? I’m now sitting here trying to decide if I want biscuits first or cornbread? I literally have rumblies in my tumblie. Oh what I wouldn’t give to have some of my grandma’s apple butter to go with. Enjoy your grandma and give her a smooch from me, I’m gonna go bake now!

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